Hi everybody! I am Thu. I work for tourism industry and I really need English, but I have kept studying it for a long time but I couldn't listen to or speak anything in English. Therefore, I have a lot of difficulties in my work. I determined to learn it once again. Searching online, I found that BIET Language Center was more reliable, so I came to the center and received a very clear and enthusiastic consultation and I decided to register for basic English course here. Admittedly,  the teachers here teach very well and enthusiastically. The lectures are clear, easy to understand and especially the teachers have guided the ways to Listen and Speak and encourage me to confident of Listening and speaking. After 02 courses, I was able to communicate in basic English, to meet somewhat for the job. And I will continue to study here until I am fluent in English to meet my job. In my opinion, this is the best English center in Nha Trang.
Kim Thu Nguyen Ngoc


Hello everyone! My full name is Nguyen Phan Nhi Nhi. I have been working for a company in Nha Trang city. My work requires me to communicate in English everyday. Thanks to my friend’s introduction, I have known BIET Language Center and have registered to learn English here for 2 courses which was about 04 months. And I have learnt it from zero. With this center teacher’s meticulous and enthusiastic guides, I can communicate well in English now and I can meet with my work requirements. Anyway, I would be grateful to BIET Language Center and the teachers here. If you need to be good at English, you should learn English here which is better for you.


Hi everyone! I am Nhat Linh Duong Hoang. I am a grade – seven student of Mai Xuan Thuong Junior High School in Vinh Hai Ward, Nha Trang City. One year ago, my English was very bad but thanks to the teachers’ careful and whole-hearted teaching of BIET Center, I am now good at English. I feel happy and confident. Many thanks to BIET’s all teachers.


Hi everyone! I am Bao Tuong Khanh Nguyen, live on Nguyen Khuyen Street, Vinh Hai Ward, Nha Trang city. I am a student of Mai Xuan Thuong Junior High School. My English was very bad before but sicne I have studied English at BIET Center, my English has been fairly improved. This made me happy and my parents were happy, too. BIET’s teachers taught English whole-heartedly, clearly and  understandably easily. I would like to thank all BIET’s teachers to to help me get English basic spectacularly.

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